The Story of Out of Line Vintage.

Check out the Enquirer story here!
It was a step into the unknown when Marissa Calerone of Out of Line Vintage quit her safe, well paid career as a retail store manager to launch her business. The countless hours she had been putting in as a store manager made her think to herself “Why am I doing this? If I invested half of the time that I did in this retail job into something I create myself, I could be successful with it.”
Marissa has always shopped second hand and thrift where she could find unique items that support a more ethical way to shop by recycling someone else’s clothing for her own. She did admit that she liked shopping a little TOO much because her collection got way out of hand. She started to sell items online. Her first post on Facebook Marketplace was of 15 pairs of shoes. Marissa excitedly shared “I sold every pair in a matter of 2 days!”
After that pivotal point of those 15 pair of shoes, she was inspired to do more. She continued to work her full time job and in all of her free time she began selling her clothes collection online. She navigated her way through measurements, photography, shipping and postings, and Out of Line Vintage was born.
Marissa was living in Grand Rapids when this venture began and being from Battle Creek it proved to be difficult trying to navigate success in an unfamiliar community. But she gained traction and as she did, she decided to bring her successful back to her hometown of Battle Creek.
She quit her full time position as the retail sales manager and focused her energy on her business. Although it was a risky move she knew she needed to keep moving forward and have faith that everything would be okay. And then she discovered BC Cargo.
It was a perfect match and she remarked “My head is still spinning around the fact that in less than a week, I applied for a BC Cargo unit, was approved and moved into the space to expand my business.” She is elated with her results! Her profitability has doubled which has ensured her that she made the right decision.
Out of Line Vintage growth has been exponential since joining the BC Cargo team. The space has allowed Marissa to be more hands-on in selling her vintage line of clothing. She has expanded by adding a small alterations department to her business and she feels that space has allowed her to “style” her customers.
Because of her roots in Battle Creek, she has felt double the overall support. “I grew up here, this is where my family and closest friends are, and this community is growing and that is something I want to be a part of.” Marissa expressed. “Growing up, moving away, and moving back, I’ve realized the importance of doing business in my own hometown.”
Marissa wants Out of Line Vintage to be more than just re-sold vintage clothing. She wants to breathe new life into older pieces to make them more aligned with today’s trends and to be wearable in the modern day.
Her hopes are to one day travel the world to find more unique pieces so that Out of Line Vintage becomes THE place in Southwest Michigan for the most unique and wearable vintage clothing.
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t… You’re right.”
-- Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor CompanyThe Out of Line Vintage Team
Ideas became our words. Words became our actions. Actions changed our lives.